
Am I Addicted to Social Media? Signs from a Tampa Therapist
When you are in your 20's, Social media is not necessarily something new. But for some, it had the potential to slowly take over our lives at a young age. Some of us were probably in middle school or high school begging for a Facebook account. Many of us probably...

I Think I Want to Try Tampa Counseling, but I Don’t Know What To Expect
When you’re considering meeting with a Tampa counselor, you might feel some nervousness or uncertainty. This can be amplified if a) You’ve never been in therapy and don’t know what to expect, or b) You’ve been in therapy and now you’re dreading having to start over...

I Thought I Had My Anxiety Beat But I Feel It Sneaking Back In. What Do I Do? – by a Tampa anxiety counselor
Few things feel more demoralizing than thinking that you have something beat and then it resurfaces. Our Tampa anxiety counselors see this from time to time. Unfortunately, this seems to be a common experience lately, especially in terms of dealing with the pandemic...

I Am Trying to Just Get Over My Anxiety But It’s Not Working. Help! -By a Tampa Anxiety Therapist
Anxiety can feel maddening, and not only because of the physical discomfort or intrusive thoughts that characterize it. Many people who suffer from anxiety know its “whack-a-mole” nature, and fear that any relief they feel is temporary. Our Tampa anxiety therapists...

I Found the “Off” Button for My Feelings. What’s Wrong With That? – by a Tampa Counselor
Feelings won’t help anything. How I feel doesn’t matter. It won’t change anything. I don’t have time to feel sad about what happened. I was taught that feelings make you weak and vulnerable to danger. I don’t need feelings. I have reality. If you resonate with any...

4 Creative Ideas to Increase Your Sense of Peace by a Tampa Anxiety Counselor
In today’s world, we have constant access to any number of things that can bring about anxiety or worry. And these anxiety-provoking situations and headlines are largely out of our control. Still, the news about climate change or the constant political backbiting...

Everyone Tells Me I Need Time Off, but Vacation Gives Me Anxiety. How Do I Relax? – Tips From a Tampa Anxiety Counselor
For some people, the idea of vacation brings thoughts of tension relief, adventure, relaxation, and renewal. People enjoy the thought of vacation so much that they plan for it, sometimes even working extra jobs to pay for it. It is frequently thought of as a...

3 Signs You Might Be Struggling with Anxiety by A Tampa Anxiety Therapist
You’re feeling like your life has gotten busier, or that there is more at stake. Situations that would have felt ordinary in the past are feeling heavier now. You find yourself frequently thinking about upcoming meetings, conversations, or family dynamics and it’s...

3 Tips for Busy High Achievers – by A Tampa Anxiety Therapist
When you’re a high achiever, you tend to never stop hustling. You can always seem to identify one more step or objective to get you to your ultimate goals. But lately, you feel you’re missing out on something. The part of you that keeps driving forward is starting to...

I Get Anxious When Other People Show Strong Emotion. What’s Wrong With Me? By a Tampa Anxiety Therapist
Have you ever been told that you don’t handle emotions well? Perhaps you’ve noticed that when someone is crying or shouting, you don’t know what to do and you feel very uncomfortable. You may even feel like you need to escape or get out of the situation – even if...